Pisell Merchant Privacy Policy

For everyone
For users of Pisell apps
For merchants
For customers
For Pisell partners
For Pisell visitors
Pisell Merchant Privacy Policy
For Merchants using Pisell to power their stores


If you are a Merchant using Pisell to power your business, or a Supplier or Retailer participating in Handshake, we collect and use your personal information to provide you with the use of our platform and its services, and generally to help you better manage your business and your relationship with your customers. Additionally, please review our overall privacy policy that applies to everyone whose information we process.

What information we collect about you and why

We collect personal information when you sign up for Pisell, when you use our platform, or when you otherwise provide us information. We may also use third party service providers (like Sift) to help us review accounts for fraud or other concerns. In general we need this information for you to be able to use our platform.

What we collect How we use it
Information you provide us about you and your business, like your name, the name of your staff or other individuals associated with your business, company name, address, email address, and phone number.
  • To provide you with the use of our platform and other related services (e.g., to confirm your identity, to contact you about issues with the platform, to invoice you)
  • To advertise and market products or features to you
  • To comply with legal requirements
Payment information you provide us, such as your credit or debit card number or your bank account number. If you use Pisell Capital, we also collect information that you may choose to make available to us about your business’s bank accounts or financial assets.
  • To charge for our services
  • To provide Pisell Payments
  • To provide Pisell Capital
Information about how you access Pisell websites, your account, and our platform, including information about the device and browser you use, your network connection, your IP address, and details about how you browse our websites and platform. We collect some of this information by using “cookies” or other similar technologies directly from your device. For more information about how we use these technologies, see our Cookie Policy.
  • To provide you use of, and to improve, our platform and other related services (e.g., identifying ways to make our platform easier to use or navigate)
  • To personalise the platform for you (e.g., by showing you apps in our app store that we believe may be useful to you)
  • To advertise and market products or features to you
If you use Pisell Payments, we collect more specific information you provide us about your business, including your business address, business type, business ID number, bank account information, date of birth (if you are an individual business owner), and in some circumstances, government-issued identification (such as your ABN and / or your ACN).
  • To create and manage your Pisell Payments account
  • To provide you with the Pisell Payments services
  • To conduct fraud and risk monitoring
  • To comply with legal requirements (such as “know your customer”, anti-money laundering, or anti-terrorism laws)
  • To provide tax documentation
Copies of government-issued and/or a picture of yourself holding your identification that you provide us.
  • If we need to verify your identity (e.g., to protect you against identity theft or fraud)
  • To verify that we are speaking with you if you contact us
  • To help us determine or verify account ownership
  • To comply with legal requirements

We also work with companies that provide us with information about Merchants or prospective Merchants (for example, to protect against fraud or if we’re sponsoring an event).

When and why we share your information with others

Running a business is hard, and we work with a variety of companies to help us provide you with a range of services to help you support your business. We sometimes share your personal information with these companies to help us provide you with Pisell services.

We also share your personal information with others:

  • to prevent or investigate suspected fraud, threats to physical safety, illegal activity, or violations of a contract (like our Terms of Service) or our policies (like our Acceptable Use Policy)
  • to help us conduct marketing and advertising
  • to comply with legal requirements, or to respond to court orders, or other similar government demands
  • if we merge with or are acquired by another company

Additionally, almost every Merchant using the Pisell platform also uses non-Pisell services to support their business (for example, apps from our app store, sales channels, payment gateways, or shipping providers).

Pisell doesn’t control how these services use your personal information, and you should review any other service you use to make sure it meets your privacy expectations. When you choose to use non-Pisell services, we tell you what information we will share with that service at your direction, so you can decide whether you want to use the service. You can review what access any app has to your information or your store’s information on the “App Details” page in the Pisell admin.

Your rights over your information

We believe that you should be able to access and control your own personal information no matter where you live. You can access and correct a lot of your personal information directly through the Pisell admin. For information you are not able to access or correct directly within the Pisell admin, please submit a data subject request through our online portal.

Because we need your personal information to provide Pisell services, we generally keep your personal information while you use Pisell products or services. If you close your store, you stop paying your subscription fees, or we terminate your account, we retain store information for two years before we begin the personal information purge process. We don’t do this immediately in case you reactivate your account, or if there is a legal complaint or audit relating to your business. If you contact us to request deletion of your store’s information, we will begin the personal information purge process after 90 days, except if we are legally required to retain specific information. If you have questions about this process, please contact our Support team. Please keep in mind that after we anonymise your personal information, we may continue to use non-identifiable information to improve our services.

Finally, we do not and will not “sell” your personal information, as that term is used in Victoria law.

Your customers’ information

In order to power your business, we collect and use personal information about your customers. In general, we only collect and use this personal information as directed by you. Legally speaking, we are a “data processor” and a “service provider” as these terms are used in European and California privacy law. We will never use your customers’ information to independently market or advertise to your customers unless they are also using one of our applications or services directly. We also do not and will not “sell” your customers’ information, as that term is used in Victoria law.

Because you decide how the personal information of your customers will be used, you need to make sure your customers understand how you (and how we on your behalf) collect and process their personal information. You should do this by, at a minimum, posting a privacy policy on your store that describes the information you collect, how you use it, and who you share it with.

If you are collecting any “sensitive” personal information from your customers (for example, information about health, race, ethnicity, genetics, biometrics, trade union membership, political opinions, philosophical or religious beliefs, criminal history, or sexual interests), you should get the affirmative, express consent from your customers to use and process this information.